From March 12th, 2020 till April 3rd, 2020 educational process will be carried out remotely with regard to quarantine measures and the order of the Rector of NPhU No. 139 dated 11.03.2020.

You may find all the necessary materials for working out the theoretical material and performing practical tasks on topics in accordance with the calendar and thematic plans of academic disciplines on a remote web resource:


  1. Log in to the web resource using the link:
  2. Go to the courses of the Department of SOCIAL PHARMACY (каф. Соціальної фармації) in the section “МАТЕРІАЛИ ДЛЯ САМОСТІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ “:

  1. Register for a course in accordance with your curriculum.
  2. Upload a file with tasks for the work on during the quarantine. When working on the tasks, use the training materials for the discipline that is published in a related course.
  3. You should email completed tasks to the group’s teacher address (specified in the Task file) or to the Department’s email address Please fill in a discipline, group code, and full name in the subject line.

Teachers will monitor the implementation of tasks in the disciplines and take into account results in the overall total when the educational process resumes.

If you have any questions, please contact the teachers of the groups by e-mail or call the Social Department office.


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