Certification of applicants for higher education

METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS in preparation for the comprehensive practice-oriented qualification examination in Pharmacy


The scientific researches of the department are aimed at enhancing pharmaceutical care for a population with regard to socio-economic factors and carried out in such areas as:

  • concepts of social pharmacy as a component of an effective healthcare system;
  • regulatory and legal regulation of pharmaceutical provision of the population and trends in the management of the pharmaceutical sector of the healthcare sector;
  • socially effective mechanisms for ensuring the availability of pharmaceutical care to the population;
  • rational pharmacotherapy as a key element of effective and safe pharmaceutical provision of the population;
  • digitalisation and information support of the healthcare sector;
  • social trends in management and marketing in pharmacy and social responsibility of business in pharmacy;
  • pharmacoeconomic analysis of treatment regimens for socially dangerous diseases;
  • organisation of pharmaceutical care in emergency situations (special period, martial law, pandemics and other threats of various nature and degree of impact);
  • socio-psychological and moral and ethical aspects of pharmaceutical activities under martial law;
  • historical aspects of medicine and pharmacy;
  • teaching of organisational and economic disciplines in higher medical and pharmaceutical education institutions.


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